
Sayfa is now Kattsafe

We’ve built a name for ourselves by continuously innovating safer, simpler height access and fall protection systems, and now it’s time for our business to evolve too.

Bringing everything we do under one new name makes it even simpler to work with us and use our products. And behind it all, we’re still the same team, quality products, and customer service that you’ve come to expect.


Although many height safety standards apply to manufacturers, building owners or architects, as an installer you’re still required to know and understand the laws and regulations involved.

The reality of working at heights

Working at heights remains a high-risk activity and is one of the leading causes of death and serious injury in Australia.


Related to falling from height from 2021-2022


Of fatalities occur from a height of 3 metres or less


The estimated annual cost of height safety issues in Australia

The Code of Practice for Managing the Risk of Falls at Workplaces states:

"Installers of structures that are to be used or could reasonably be expected to be used for work must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the plant or structure is without risks to health and safety.”

They recommend carrying out testing and analysis as well as providing specific information about the plant or structure.

Learn more about the layers of legislation relating to height safety.

Common height safety misconceptions

Ignorance is no excuse. No matter who you are - employer, employee, contractor, building owner, facility manager, designer, installer or manufacturer - we all have a Duty of Care to ensure safe practices are adhered to when work is being conducted at height.

Get expert advice

Work with a height safety specialist to ensure you and your workers are being provided with the best fall protection.

Get in touch with our expert team who will provide you with further information and provide details for a height safety specialist in your area.