
Sayfa is now Kattsafe

We’ve built a name for ourselves by continuously innovating safer, simpler height access and fall protection systems, and now it’s time for our business to evolve too.

Bringing everything we do under one new name makes it even simpler to work with us and use our products. And behind it all, we’re still the same team, quality products, and customer service that you’ve come to expect.

Height safety design consultancy

Our experienced design consultants work with you to design fully compliant, cost-effective height safety solutions. We take a collaborative approach to help you document fit for purpose access and fall protection strategies during the design phase of your project.

Why work with a Kattsafe Design Consultant?

Meet compliance

Our experts ensure all legal requirements are met, including WHS Acts, Regulations, Standards and more.

Minimise rework

Get it right the first time and avoid last minute changes and rework.

Documentation support

We'll organise and supply all the documents you need throughout the process

What are your legal obligations?

From building design through to installation and ongoing improvements and maintenance, we all have a duty of care to make sure working at height is as safe as possible. Unfortunately, there is no single source of information on height safety requirements in Australia.

Our design consultants are highly experienced in navigating the complexities of the law and help ensure your systems and are fully compliant and fit-for-purpose.

Everything you need for a complete, compliant system

Our height safety design experts will work with you to deliver the documentation you need to ensure the access and fall protection strategy your client has engaged with is followed through to the build process. This process has been successfully followed across a range of projects across Australia and New Zealand.

Height Safety System layout plan
Full proposal with Schedule of Components
Indicative supply and install quote

Kattsafe Design Consultancy process

  • Step 1
    Book a consultation

    We'll discuss your project's height safety needs in detail, making sure we design the right solution for you.

  • Step 2
    We'll start designing

    Our team will take all the information you've provided and design the ideal height safety solution for your project. This usually takes about two weeks.

  • Step 3
    Presenting the designs

    We'll go over the designs with you and discuss the 'why' behind our decisions. This is also your chance to provide feedback and make sure we've gotten it just right.

  • Step 4
    Documentation delivered

    After all revisions are complete, we'll supply all the documentation you need to include our designs in your tender documentation.

Hear from architects we work with

Kattsafe has always presented comprehensive solutions that have taken into consideration all aspects of safety in design. When obtaining their advice on building and facade access and maintenance, their recommendations have always been highly beneficial to the project.

Peddle Thorp Architects

Kattsafe continues to be a valuable part of our team for new and current projects. We rely on their advice and comprehensive reporting, but they also keep us informed about new products and changes to the WorkSafe laws in the state that affects their area of specialisation.

Vincent Chrisp Architects

Kattsafe have always been good to work with and we look forward to continuing to work with them on future projects.

Hames Sharley

Book a consultation

Faster, easier, fully compliant height safety specifying starts with an initial consultation. Get in touch with our expert team to see how we can help.