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Static line Revit instruction video

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Video transcript

This video will serve as an overview of the range of static line components that we at IGS BIM Solutions have created as part of the larger, SAYFA Revit library. Just on the SAYFA website here, coming to the SL200 Static lines page, this is where we’ll find the products covered in this particular video. Firstly, there are a range of different systems for different installation methods.

So the metal deck mount, the concrete mount, the timber mount and the wall mount systems. All of these ancillary brackets and supports have been modelled as nested components within the line base families to make it a lot quicker and easier to document the static line product range in the project environment. Just jumping into Revit here I have an excerpt from the virtual showroom on screen.

So the SAYFA Virtual Showroom is a Revit project with all of the families laid out side by side. This is a very useful resource for not only assessing the geometry of any families, but also to get an idea of the backend metadata prior to copying and pasting into your live project. So just to go into a bit of detail around how these families are being grouped, these are essentially a family per installation method.

So we have the concrete mount, the concrete mount raised, the metal deck in crest pan and wide format, the timber mount and the wall mount. So seven families in total. And just looking here in the project browser, each of those seven families have some default types which I’ll go into further detail shortly. But yeah, these are relating to maximum pitches and maximum users.

So when we go to document a static line instance being line based, we have the ability to either place on a work plane or place on a face. Placing on a work plane is going to prompt us to select a level or named reference plane within our project. Alternatively, the place on face option here might be useful where we have a roof that has a slope applied.

So simply clicking once will select our desired start point. We can apply an angle by moving the cursor and selecting again to finalise the instance. It’s going to define the end point of that particular static line run. As mentioned, because I use the place on face option here if the slope of this roof were to change, the geometry of the supporting structure is going to automatically adapt to ensure that it’s always sitting hard up against the face of the roof.

So coming to a ground floor plan, I’ll just quickly draw another instance of static line out here. So what we also have control of, once we’ve drawn our length and angle as desired, we have the line offset depth at end one and end two. So here I’m able to put in a value of say 500 and that displaces that end stanchion in this case by 500mm horizontally. This could also be a negative. So applying a negative 500 at end two, you’ll see that that has displaced the component at end two by 500mm in the opposite direction. Something to mention here is with the wall mount that works a little bit differently in the sense that we have a line offset height at end one and end two.

So in this case, applying offset values at either or both ends is going to displace the end conditions in the vertical axis. So we’re actually moving the supporting componentry up or down the wall. In terms of the intermediate bracket that we’re seeing in this particular case, I’ll just zero out the offsets and I might just swap this quickly to an end stanchion.

So essentially as I’m drawing this out, there are rules built into the background based on the type selected that control how many intermediate supports there are and the spacing between them. So here you can see that we have not exceeded the span of this particular static line. therefore, we do not require an intermediate component to support this. If I extend this out slightly at that point there will be a central supporting element.

If I were to swap this type to a max 4 users. So there are rules built into these components based on the users and also the pitch that control the spacings between these intermediate members. So switching that type and extending it out a bit further. In this case, we have two intermediates and swapping back to the two users, you can see that the rules are working in the background to automatically generate those as required at equal spacings. When it comes to continuous static line runs with multiple instances of static line that’s very easily controlled by the end one and end two conditions.

So let’s just say that we have this particular run that I’ve created and we want to come up and around. Essentially what I’m able to do is using these end one condition and end two condition parameters, I’m able to select the appropriate mount type from this available list of types within the end option nested family. So we have a corner side one, corner side two is essentially just the same component but flipped around to be either an external or internal, as well as a intermediate variable side one, which is sort of that half corner and intermediate variables side two, the same thing as the corner that will essentially let us draw off in the opposite direction. So I’ll just apply a corner side two in this case being that I want to draw up and back to the left. I’m then just going to create similar.

So I’m using the same type and family here. Initially I’m going to want to change my end one condition to the numb type. So that’s going to mean that we’re just drawing straight from the static line itself rather than having any supporting member at that particular end. And I’m able to draw that as desired. And again, so because I’m using the create similar or CS shortcut that’s holding onto those end conditions from the previous instance. Perhaps at that point we would apply a end stanchion at end two.

So it’s very easy to use multiple instances of the same family and type to create these continuous static line systems to achieve all different kinds of run patterns. Just coming into something that is specific to the timber mount system here. The corner intermediate spacing length end one and end two parameters. These are not going to have any effect until we actually apply a corner.

So a corner side one, a corner side two. I’ll just delete this instance here just to make it a bit clearer. What those parameters are controlling is the spacing between these supporting members here in the corner piece. So essentially I can control the spacing at either or both ends here. Now these are working within the tolerances of the actual product.

If we were to put in something like 1.5 meters, it will actually default to the maximum that that piece can achieve. Similarly, down here, if I were to put, say, 100, it’s going to default and it looks like we already have hit that minimum. So we’re never exceeding the product limitations and going over the maximum or under the minimum spacings of those uprights there.

Just lastly, the metal deck mount has the ability to change the intermediate types. It is important just similar with the end options that we’re only selecting types within the end option family For the intermediate, we want to make sure that we’re only selecting one of the two types within the intermediate family. And what this allows us to do is switch between what we’re seeing here on screen, being the standard intermediate or a rotated by 90 degree variant of that particular component by selecting that 90 degree type.

And that applies for all of the various metal deck components. So 90 degrees and that’s going to update the geometry to suit. We do also for the metal deck, have the ability to select an end stanchion that again is at 90 degrees. That’s going to rotate that end stanchion if we choose the option two. The option one is obviously the inline metal deck mount there.

Hopefully that’s been of help in terms of getting up and running with the static line systems by SAYFA. If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We do also have the PDF User guide that accompanies all the content, so there may be something specifically in there that you’d like to check. It does also cover all of the other componentry that we have created to date.