
Sayfa is now Kattsafe

We’ve built a name for ourselves by continuously innovating safer, simpler height access and fall protection systems, and now it’s time for our business to evolve too.

Bringing everything we do under one new name makes it even simpler to work with us and use our products. And behind it all, we’re still the same team, quality products, and customer service that you’ve come to expect.

Victoria Police Centre, Melbourne VIC

A 40-storey tower in Melbourne's busy CBD, the new headquarters for Victoria Police, required access to a number of lift machines.

The situation

A 40-storey tower in Melbourne's busy CBD, the new headquarters for Victoria Police, required access to a number of lift machines.

Within the area space was very tight and access to machinery at various heights meant specifically designed configurations were required.

The system was not able to be either craned or located into position with the use of heavy lifting equipment so lightweight components that could be manually carried in via the lift system needed to be sourced.


Victoria Police Centre, Melbourne VIC


Kattsafe worked closely with Schindler Lifts to design custom access platforms to fit around each lift machine stand.

The designs were quite complex due to the variation in available space. Multiple configurations were required that would fit in with the machinery which was situated at variable heights.

One of the machine rooms was particularly challenging. A mezzanine had been fitted to each side of the room but access was only possible via one side. The design of a bridge which could span across from one side now gives workers access to all machinery.

Kattsafe provided detailed shop drawings to Schindler, drafting them in the Builda. This enabled a quick custom design that could be visualised easily by the client and provided parts lists and kit codes ensuring that our fabrication team could commence manufacture immediately the drawings were approved.

After investigating the ease of assembly, on-site flexibility and comprehensive installation manual that Kattsafe offer, Schindler decided to use their own team to install the modular access systems themselves.

All components were carried up to the machine rooms via lifts and then assembled in situ. Installation could be done using basic power tools with any last minute modifications made utilising the patented Kattsafe T-bolt. This innovative fixing bolt, designed specifically for the Katttsafe modular systems, can allow each individual tread to be leveled and spaced to ensure a perfect fit.

We now have two extremely satisfied customers who couldn't believe the ease at which the whole project was completed.
