Tension anchor overview
Video transcript
Hello and welcome to one of our new products, the Tension Anchor.
So this is our new AP110 Tension Anchor. As you would know, the Australian Standards do not allow for an anchor in a fall arrest or rope access application where it has a single point of anchorage. So this particular anchor is designed specifically for use in tension applications.
So whether it be overhead applications, where you’re using it straight down on a wall for straight out. It’s made for all those type applications. So a couple of other features that we have on this anchor is that it’s made out of a single piece folded stainless steel construction so that it means that there’s no weak points, there’s no welds, there’s no casting, so there’s no weak points in this design. The other features that we have on the anchor is we’ve got the label connection point over here and we’ve got this unique load indicating device built into the system.
So when it comes to inspections, it makes it very easy to see if the system has been overloaded. You’ll see there’ll be an indentation within that load indicator. Therefore, you can immediately tell if something has occurred and then you need to do further inspections. So the other feature we have is this hole down here, which is designed to fit a karabiner whether it be the standard karabiner or the bigger type that you can load test at that position.
This allows you to pull test in one situation. You don’t need to pull test the individual fixings, so you just pull test in one location at 7.5kN saving you a lot of time on site.
So further to that we have then the fixing type. So we have the chemical fixing stud, which is an M12 fixing stud and we have the wedge type anchors. So with the chemical application, we use that with a high strength structural epoxy and with the wedge type anchor. Obviously this is going to be the easy one simple 12mm drill 90mm deep, and then torque it up to 50Nm, but this is no standard wedge type anchor. This is a properly designed seismic type wedge anchor, which is designed for dynamic use applications.
There we have it, there’s our Tension Anchor, let’s hope you enjoy it, and we look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.