HydroChem, Braeside VIC
HydroChem is the leading water treatment service provider in Australia, employing more than 200 people in offices across Australia.
As suppliers of water treatment services for a diverse range of industries, Hydrochem are used to handling management systems for their clients.
However, within their own facility they identified that their employees could be at risk when servicing large storage tanks at their Braeside plant.
Providing personnel the ability to maintain and service these tanks offered many challenges, among them being the design and installation of access systems in such a confined area.
Compounding these issues was that it was very difficult to get accurate on-site measurements due to the location.
Hydrochem, Braeside VIC
Kattsafe worked closely with installer Sky 5 to design a suitable elevated walkway that would allow operators to easily carry out their duties.
Kattsafe modular access systems were the obvious solution as they could be installed in situ and, using the proprietary T-Bolt fastener, adjusted to suit site specific conditions as required. This was extremely beneficial as the accuracy of measurements provided could not be guaranteed due to the location and existing structures.
Significant design and technical input was necessary from the Kattsafe team to successfully complete this challenging project.
The detailed drawings below show the intricate requirements that the elevated walkway had to accommodate. As can be seen, there was very little access between the tanks and the existing building and systems had to be virtually self supporting.