Private residence, Lugarno Sydney
The elderly owner of this property in Lugarno, a southern suburb of Sydney, required safe access from the back of his property down to the waterfront to fish. The only access was via the back of the block which was not an option due to the rugged cliff face.
The situation
The elderly owner of this property in Lugarno, a southern suburb of Sydney, required safe access from the back of his property down to the waterfront to fish. The only access was via the back of the block which was not an option due to the rugged cliff face.
The design was made even more complex as it was impossible to obtain some of the measurements until the install was commenced.
Private Residence, Lugarno, Sydney NSW
Locating a company who was prepared to take on this unusual project had been extremely difficult until the client contacted our installer, who immediately thought Kattsafe platforms and stairs might be the answer.
Abseil Access submitted the original system design, which was created on our interactive drawing template. After liaison with our customer service team, several modifications were made to the initial drawings before the completed design was finalised and production could be commenced.
Kattsafe platforms and stairs with their unique modularity were a huge asset in ensuring a perfect fit. The simplicity of the construction by way of the unique T-bolt fastener enabled what would have been time consuming and nearly impossible to achieve if using standard steel platform and stairs.
The client was amazed as to how quickly things came together, especially given the difficulty of the location, commenting that the system and its ease of build “just worked”.
The owner can now enjoy safe and easy access down to his fishing boat and also envisages extra value being added to his property with this seemingly impossible issue now solved.