When are ladders, steps, stairs & walkways required?
Knowing which equipment to use and install when and where is imperative
When it comes to ensuring that your roof access and fall protection systems are compliant, correct system design and selection is paramount in fulfilling your responsibility to ensure your workers are conducting their duties in a safe environment.
Ladders, steps, stairs and walkways are all covered by Australian Standard AS/NZS1657:2018 and this must be adhered to when designing roof access and fall protection systems.
Frequency of use to perform maintenance to plant and equipment and varying inclines of slope call for different systems and for each application, choosing the correct product is vital.
The diagram at the right provides a brief guide.
Have you installed the right equipment on your buildings? Our Access Equipment Guide helps you find out.
*To be used as a reference only. A height safety audit should still be conducted by a qualified person to ensure compliance.
For further information on which types of access system to select for your application, you should obtain a copy of Standard AS/NZS 1657:2018 from SAI Global.
Remember, there are many legal consequences should you choose to install incorrect or inadequate safety equipment. According to the WHS Regulations, if you are a building owner, facility manager or an employer it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of those working in and around your buildings, so you need to be aware of what guidelines and regulations are required to comply, ensuring that you are not left open to potential litigation.
Still confused? Let us help. Contact the Kattsafe sales team on 1300 301 755 or sales@kattsafe.com.au.