Fall distance clearance calculator
Required fall distance clearance for overhead mount systems
Fall distance clearance is the measurement which is calculated by totaling the distance that a person falls from the working surface to the position they end up in when their fall has been arrested. It also factors in a clearance distance to account for any stretch in the harness and lanyard.
Correct calculation ensures that the operator's fall arrest system will activate so they are not injured by coming into contact with any obstructions below.
RD: Required fall clearance
FF: Free fall
DD: Deceleration distance
C: Mandatory clearance
Use the calculator to determine the fall distance clearance and lanyard length that you must allow in your overhead mount installations.
The fall distance clearance required is dependent on the following factors:
Elevation of anchorage
Lanyard length
Lanyard elongation on deceleration pull out (personal energy absorber)
Operator height
Fall distance residual clearance (allowance for stretch in the lanyard and harness)