Macquarie Park - davit testimonial
Video transcript
Well, it’s good to meet you guys and see you hanging off it. I’m Zero Murray from SAYFA.
My name is Lukasz from Sky5. Yeah, and I’m Dhariel from Sky5 as well.
How did you find using the system?
Well, it’s really lightweight, which means safe. That’s I think the most important thing.
Easy to move around, easy to pull apart and put back together and yeah being lightweight you’re not breaking your back all day trying to carry it around and have it be dangerous when you’re moving it around an edge or anything like that. When something’s easy to pick up you’re not worried that it will overpower you and take you over the edge or just drop over the edge itself.
Yeah, that’s good to hear. We really did try to take into consideration in its design, the users, the rope access technicians. Being an ex-user of these systems and other systems I know that the load was a real problem and so we tried to make it as light as possible but not losing its functionality as well. And we realised that if we could break it apart into three pieces we’re not just designing it for best case scenario, we’re designing it for worst case scenario where the rope access guys have really limited space to walk. So, they can pull it apart and they might not be able to get two guys to carry it so its’s one rope access guy carrying it and putting it in place. So, we tried to take into consideration in these little design things that we put in there, you know like the anchors on the mast to be able to get over glass parapets. So, all these little details we tried to take into consideration.
Do you find that the anchors on the masts help you get over parapets at all?
Yes, I think it definitely will be vital getting over delicate edges like glass balustrades or say a heritage building or something like that. It’ll be really important to have that anchor there so you can be assured that you’re not going to trip and stumble onto your ropes and worst case you can set up another system to lower yourself out to the ropes. And I mean that really shows with the system that it’s as you say it’s easily manoeuvrable you can take it through a doorway but then also it extends far enough to get you away the building or over a large edge or to the side. So, you don’t have to set them up every metre you can have a bit of space between them and a system that’s going to allow you to move in a fairly wide area through just the one base. Which is really good.
How are you finding the installation of the systems?
It was pretty easy. Working with two people it was really comfortable like you don’t really feel that you are putting some heavy, some systems which we’ve been using in Sydney a lot. And yeah, that felt really comfortable.
Yeah, I think from installing the bases into the concrete to putting the system together is quite self-explanatory which is always a good thing. If you’re repeating things day after day you can sometimes forget something and having a system that is simple and effective, it really just covers all the bases.
Yeah, that’s great. Awesome thanks guys.
It was really great watching you today. Thanks for giving us the opportunity and it was nice meeting you.
Thank you.
Thank you too.